Summer 2018 Bucket List

Baby #2 is due in the fall. 17 month old Baby #1 (and 20-week pregnant momma) already have cabin fever and want to get out and explore!! What better time than the present? Speaking of presents... I’m feeling presents are coming a bit early this year and we are going for the “12 days of summer theme” for counting down our bucket list! Consider it Christmas in July!

Once a category is complete, I’ll update with a post on our experiences. Can’t wait to reminisce on all of our summer adventures.

Let me know if you have any good recommendations to put on the list!! It’s currently growing and I’m loving our summer plans so far. ☺️

12 different playgrounds
11 wildly different art projects
10 different picnic spots
9 lunch dates
8 community festivals
7 family hikes
6 different indoor play gyms / playgrounds
5 different splash pads 
4 museums
3 different zoos
2 different aquariums
1 healthy toddler with no broken bones and a momma that hasn’t gone into early labor


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